
Friday, November 21, 2014

Our jobs as MUSLIMS.


I really don't know how many times I need to say this…I would NOT delete my pictures from the past because that is my TRANSITION from a PLAYBOY MODEL to a FULLY COVERED NON MUSLIM to a REVERTED MUSLIM.

It is my past.
NO…I am NOT ashamed of my past. 

It's my PAST. 
It MADE ME WHO I AM today.
(It's not like I still update my posts with my Playboy pictures anymore!)

It was what made me embrace Islam.
If I hadn't seen the dark, I wouldn't search for the light.

If I delete all my past pictures, it's like denying my past, and nobody could see my transition anymore.

That is my dakwah strategy. 
To show people that if someone like me could do a 180 degrees change of life for the better, ditch everything "glamorous" and embrace Islam, why can't everyone else?

Do you see it yet?

Thats why if you're not comfortable with THIS page with traces of my past (yes, it is still with my modelling name from the past FELIXIA), I've created another page for you to follow, which has no trace of my past at all.

Here you go : 

Now, stop whining here and get a life. 
Do something better with your life than to whine here and asking me to delete my past that I'm leaving here for dakwah and awareness purpose.

There's a lot more lost sisters and brothers in need of your guidance to be guided back to Islam, even some of the born Muslims themselves, and a lot more non-believers that are probably like me (last time) who are still somehow hoping that someone would guide them to a better life and not judge them from their past.

YOU are supposed to help them.

If you can't do what I do, or bear the "embarrassment" and "humiliation" as I'm bearing to have my past pictures as a PLAYBOY MODEL, then go do something better.

Like stop judging people or ordering people to delete their pasts!


ME NOW!!!!


  1. i'm sick with all these kind of people. leave her alone. non muslim would be afraid if seeing those "forcing that forcing this" kind of comments, they might get the wrong picture about being a muslim.

    Be strong Raisyyah. Allah bless you always !

    1. Mr Najib don't act please. try to teach of the holy Quran, properly. and burn all billboard of Sultan of Johor . put in it of Quran's verse. there will be safe your country. more on

  2. raisyyah..don't post your past picture any more..people don't need to know your are a new person a muslim, we should not keep on telling others our past that is not appropriate..that is all..if a person found your playboy picture, that is their problem..but not from you..when you covers your aurah presently, you also have to avoid showing old pic. that does not covers your aurah..

  3. Raisyyah Rania, jangan difikirkan tentang ape orang nak kata kerana mulut2 orang luar tu semua umpama tempayan yang tidak boleh ditutup. Pesanan saya ialah tetap hati dan bulatkan tekad raisyyah untuk sentiasa tunduk kepada Allah S.W.T. Jangan takut kepada manusia kerana mereka juga hanyalah makhluk Allah seperti kamu. Apa2 pun berserahlah sepenuh hati kepada Allah yang Maha Besar.

  4. Raisyyah, adakah matlamatmu boleh menghalalkan caramu?
    Kita ada landasan syariah yang bukan berdasar pada pemikiran logik akal manusia.

  5. "There's a lot more lost sisters and brothers in need of your guidance to be guided back to Islam, even some of the born Muslims themselves, and a lot more non-believers that are probably like me (last time) who are still somehow hoping that someone would guide them to a better life and not judge them from their past."

    SO MUCH WIN!! ^^ \m/

    Even if you delete also there'll still be traces around on OTHER sites so there's really no point. Actually there isn't even any point in hiding one's history.

    I'm so glad you've posted this because sometimes I see these kind of people post those things about you and I really feel like standing up for you.

    But there's no need to. You're awesome, thank you and let's keep on living life beautifully :)

    1. "Even if you delete also there'll still be traces around on OTHER sites so there's really no point. Actually there isn't even any point in hiding one's history."

      *chuckles* Sins are sins, no matter what you preach. If we delete our past pictures well at least that is an effort from us, whereas this equals to no effort at all.

      Matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara. Fullstop.

  6. Assalamualaikum. Yes Felixia, im one of your fans after you'd revert to Islam. Just wanted to advise u to stop posting your old pictures because when a person sees it, you will be responsible for his/her sins of seeing it. Imagine if ten or thousands of them watching your old pictures.

    And I do have another suggestion.. You have talents in wearing Muslimah clothes. Imagine if a person loves it and follow the way you dress, you will gain deeds from Allah. Imagine if ten or thousands of them follow you, wonder how Allah loves you so much.

    Thanks for reverting to Islam. Do visit my blog and click the 'Usrah' page for a simple sharing of knowledge. Hehe.. Thank you.

    Your humble fan,
    Encik Kasut.


  7. Things has been quite stagnant here...time for a quick gulp of fresh (or toxic?) air:

  8. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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  10. Instead of bashing about it, why not just click elsewhere and forget it ever happened. Bad things on the Internet will get buried deep as long as nobody bothered to Google it.

  11. hey rania :) awak lah wanita yang paling tabah dan mulia disisi allah swt :)

  12. Assalamualaikum cik Raisyyah. First of all i'm a fan of you. Alhamdulillah i did felt very happy one the day that you decided to return to islam. However as a fellow muslim i do feel like to share with you some knowledge that i gain from my teachers from previous kuliah. Lagipun Nabi s.a.w pun pernah bersabda " sampaikan lah ilmu walaupun satu ayat". Perlu cik Raisyyah jelas y the reason is not because i just what to comment on you, but its because i care.
    I believe you have the best intentions which is to dakwah to others. Cik Raisyyah harus bersyukur kerana tidak ramai muslim y dipilih ALLAH utk ade perasan macam ni. Namun cara kita berdakwah itu juga harus perhatikan kesesuaiannya. Cik Raisyyah perlu sentiasa ingat, matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara. Walau mcm mn pun niat kita, jika cara kita ade terkait dgn dosa, hukumnya tetap dosa. Ape y saya cuba smpaikn ialah, your previous pic is not quite suitable to be shown. Its not that we want you to deny your past, no. However you also cannot deny that everytime a man look a your previous pic, he will commit sins. Then he will have bad thoughts, another sins, and it will propogate from that.

  13. I know that some will say, walaupn cik Raisyyah x share gmbr tu, org lain pun share jugak, ape beza. Disini saya nk tekankan, BYK BEZANYA.
    Xdpt dinafi y as a celebrity you previous pic dh byk tersebar kat internet. It can be said almost impossible to get rid of them all. However that is not the reason. In my humble opinion we should try our best to contain and prevent them from our side as best as possible. Antara caranya ialah removing the pic from your on blog. Cik Raisyyah masih blh berdakwah dgn mengunakan your past story as the material namun pada pendapat saya cik Raisyyah sudah cukup dgn verbal story or writing. You dont have to use the pic.

    But maybe most people are too hard on you about this issue, thats why i can understand your reaction. Ape y saya puji ialah sekarang cik Raisyyah post xde lagi pic2 lame. Plus more matured writing. Thats one of the reason i like to follow your blog.

    Namun as your brother in islam i do have to share some knowledge that i learn from my teachers. Previously i had my fare share of dark history. Alhamdulillah dengan rahmat dan kasih sayang ALLAH jalan saya diperbetukan. Dan ape y saya belajar dari ustaz saya ialah, jika kita berubah, kita tidak perlu untuk berkongsi kisah silam atau dosa lampau kita jika ianya mengaibkan kita. Malah antara syarat utk bertaubat ialah meninggalkan dosa dahulu secara TOTAL yakni, tidak melakukannya dan membenci akan perbuatan dosa itu.
    Dan Apabila cik Raisyyah mengatakan statement bahawa cik tidak malu akan gmbr2 cik y dahulu, bagi saya itu tidak betul cik Raisyyah, maaf. Malah dengan tidak memadamkan gmbr2 itu dr you own blog, seolah-olah cik Raisyyah masih menyokong perbuatan itu.

  14. Dalam islam hukumnya berdosa jika dengan sengaja mengaibkan seseorg walaupn diri sendiri. Mcm y cik Raisyyah ckp mungkin itu blh dijadikan madah dakwah, namun seperti cadagan saya, kisah sahaja sudah memadai, gmbr tidak perlu.

    Maaf sekiranya ade penulisan saya y menguris hati cik Raisyyah. Saya y menegur bkn bermakna saya baik, malah saya pun masih perbaiki diri. Dan bagi saya muslim sejati tidak akan berhenti perbaiki diri hingga akhir hayat. Namun teguran ini dibuat atas dasar sayang dan ambil berat pada saudara baru. Benar mmg tidak mudah dan hanya cik Raisyyah dan ALLAH shj y tahu akn cabarannya. Namun saya harap cik Raisyyah lebih terbuka pada teguran sbb sebagai org islam kita harus sentiasa belajar dan perbaiki diri.
    A true friend is not the one that support you no matter what. A true friend is the one that support you, but care enough about you to advise you when you doing wrong.
    Kalau seseorg tu setuju je dgn ape y cik Raisyyah buat mungkin die seorg kwn y baik. Namun pada pendapat saya sahabat sejati rela berani utk beri nasihat kerana die mahu sahabatnya menjadi lebih baik.

    Maaf sekali lagi jika ade tulisan saya y buat cik Raisyyah terguris perasan. But when you care about someone, sometimes you need to deliver the bitter medicine them a bit in order for them to be better.

  15. salam felixia, sebaiknya gambar lama itu di blurkan.... jangan buka kembali aib lama yang telah Allah tutupkan utk cik puan ia adalah berbentuk LARANGAN - maksud hadis sahih.

  16. i love her dress, but her mind is like Malay. more on

  17. tell to Mr Najib don't act please. try to teach of the holy Quran, properly. and burn all billboard of Sultan of Johor . put in it of Quran's verse. there will be safe your country. more on

  18. Whatever trouble, illness, anxiety, grief, pain or sorrow afflicts a Muslim- even if it is the pricking of a thorn - Allah removes in its place of some of his/her sins.
    Hadith:Imam Bukhari & Muslim

  19. saya sama macam felixia, berminat mengetahui secara dalam mengenai semua agama, bagi saya walaupun tidak dengan mendalam mengenali sangat agama islam, tetapi melalui pemahaman saya, tutup aurat tu adalah seperti gambar kedua seperti sekarang yang felixia buat. akan tetapi dalam blog ini saya rase felixia sepatutnya jgn upload gambar dulu yg tidak menutupi aurat dengan sepenuhnya. Walaupun masuk islam tetapi itu masih ialah diri kamu, cuma telah masuk ke islam, gambar before n after tak tutup aurat dengan tutup aurat secara langsung gambar yang terpapar tu kamu telah melanggari maksud yang terkandung dengan upload gambar yg tidak tutup aurat??? kesimpulannya bagi saya dalam blog ini sebenarnya kamu tak tutup aurat lagi dengan uplaod gambar before tu. I think is better to delete this phto in this post......become a new Rynia nt Felixia. Maaf jika pemahaman saya ini adalah saya, akan tetapi bagi saya jika kmu telah masok islam kamu harus jgn diungkit gambar dahulu dan kalo boleh private semua gambar terdahalu dalam fb atau dalam post. Soorry for comment.....maaf jika terasa atau tersilap dalam pemahaman saya. Wish u all the best in ur muslim way.

    1. Lebih baik private kan.terpulang pada kamu je.

  20. Jangan upload foto dulu yang mendedahkan aurat, jadi manusia biar berakal. Jangan malukan agama islam

  21. Dear,

    One thing you can do to make people stop mentally-exhausting you is to REALLY, SERIOUSLY DELETE all your uncovered old pics.
    There are sooooo many other ways to dakwah. Your statements up there are revealing your unreadiness to accept Islam FULLY. Like, you are haunted by your past.
    I'm not telling you to forget; because some of it will include family and friends memories.
    As a celebrity I just hope you can be some kind of good example, but I think that hopes vanish now.
    I thought you can do better...

  22. Sorry for the rudeness but i am really disappointed

  23. Kamu tabah, terus muhasabah,
    pasti tiada rebah.... :)

  24. Salam sis. Dakwah is not about preahing hard but to reach the heart. By doing this, you are no close to reaching the hearts but only getting further. Please. Intentions doesnt allow you to do any means. Aurah is still aurah. You know that. There are other ways of dakwah not just by posting old pics of your past. It doesnt mean that we are asking you to deny your oast, but we are just asking to take a whole new turn and become a true muslimah and a true muslimah knows better than to reveal her aurah eventhough its the past. please sis. as muslims, we talk because we care not because we deny. Live Islam truthfully. Ask for His guidance and surely youll find the same answer as we did.

  25. Assalamualaikum... :)

    Im proud of you, Raisyyah. Maaf tak bisa banyak kata tuk ungkapkan kekagumanku padamu. Biarlah orang nak cakap apa, kau adalah kau, semua orang punya hak untuk berbeda.

    Semoga dukungan kecil ini bisa berarti untukmu. Saya doakan semoga kau selalu tabah untuk bisa istiqamah di jalan-Nya. Amiiinnn... :)

  26. May Allah ease your path sis.
    Do follow Let's Cover Our Aurah in the social media. Tq!


  27. Gambar yg terdahulu adalah aib. Semoga diberi kefahaman yg luas :)

  28. Gambar yg lama jangan disebar lagi ...yang sudah tersebar biarkan ..tq

  29. Assalamualaikum,

    I want to do some whining here but firstly I want to say that I understand your intention to maintain your photos.

    But as u should know by now, exposing our aurat whether from photos, videos or in person (past/present/future) will only add sins to our book.

    If you delete your old photos from the internet (fb, blog, etc.), it doesn't mean that you're denying your past. It actually shows that u understood your past and u want to move on. Move on to get closer to Allah.

    If u don't delete 'em, it only shows that you're still clinging to your past. It's by large not an embarassment nor a humiliation to have those photos because it was your past life. But it will be if you don't try to hide it, at least from the eyes of the public.

    Save those photos only to yourself. Or perhaps to your future husband too.

    It's a bit ironic to say this to u since there are lots of malay girls out there have yet to wear hijab.
    I take this effort to say it to u because u converted to Islam. Which means u are more open to Islamic studies. So it's easier to explain and make a sense to u.

    If u really want to help other people out there, u can do it with a lot more ways rather than to show your exposed old photos.

    So my advise for u, love, slowly start deleting your old photos from the internet. Don't put a lot of pressure to it. It's the efforts that Allah counts.

    Da'wah can be done in lots of angles/perspectives. Allah will show u guidance, insyaAllah.

    Wallahua'lam. Wassalam.

  30. cantik bersama

  31. 2 words: very impressive!

  32. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posses so as not to stimulate the lust of what a man naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  33. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of what a man naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  34. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of what a man naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  35. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust in a what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  36. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of in what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  37. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of in what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  38. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of in what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help thI feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust of in what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing that is you to show your revealing past dressings you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing (that is you to show your revealing past dressings)you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shared with u some light for you to ponder.

  39. I feel that the point of wearing hijab is not to let men know of the body shape the size of private parts of what a woman posseses so as not to stimulate the lust in a what a man is naturally inclined to. Islam encourages us to daKwah but within its permissible limits. The bikini and of which what you are revealing defeat it's purpose of dakwah. It's sinful for others to see. Though your intention could be well meaning but your actions is of its opposite purpose. Let our intentions coincide with our actions. Surely when we want to do something as a newbie or lack of knowledge Muslim we should be humble enough to approach and take heed to those who are of higher knowledge before we wish to spread dakwah the calling to Islam without having us performing it with the right intention but of opposing actions to it. Islam does not need help that contradicts the intention from its actions. How Allaah has given u hidayah without the need for others to do what you are doing (that is you to show your revealing past dressings) you do not have to start doing such method to call others to Islam. We are humans. what we can do is limited as opposed to what Allah is able to. So leave to Him what we can never reach especially something that's beyond us. Sister let us call people to Islam but we should not go overboard by ditching one right thing and pick up one wrong doing. I hope I have shed with u some light for you to ponder

  40. Terdapat satu kisah seorang lelaki Bani Israil telah bermaksiat kepada Allah selama 40 tahun. Dia tidak pernah dia meninggalkan maksiatnya itu dan tidak pernah pula sekalipun dia bertaubat.
    Diizinkan Allah, datang suatu tahun yang kemarau sangat panjang. Hujan tidak lagi turun, ternakan kurus kering, tanaman semuanya mati, sungai pun menampakkan dasarnya yang kering kontang.

    Maka Bani Israil pun berkata kepada Nabi Musa a.s. : "Ya Musa, berdoalah kepada Allah supaya menurunkan hujan."

    Maka Nabi Musa a.s. pun mengumpulkan semua Bani Israil seraya berdoa bersama : "Ya Allah turunkanlah hujan...Ya Allah turunkanlah hujan..."

    Hujan masih jua belum turun. Nabi Musa a.s.selanjutnya berbicara dengan Allah : "Ya Tuhanku, mengapakah hujan masih belum turun?"

    Maka Allah SWT mewahyukan kepada Nabi Musa : "Aku tidak akan turunkan hujan kerana ada seorang lelaki di antara kamu yg telah bermaksiat kepada-Ku selama 40 tahun. Kerana maksiatnya itu, aku menahan hujan dari turun."

    Maka Nabi Musa berkata : "Jika demikian, apa harus aku lakukan?"

    Maka firman Allah : "Keluarkannya dari tempat ini."

    Maka Nabi Musa pun berkata kepada kaumnya :"Wahai Bani Israil, di antara kita ini ada seorang yang telah bermaksiat kepada Allah selama 40 tahun. Dan kerana maksiatnya itulah Allah telah menahan hujan dari turun. Dan Dia tidak akan menurunkan hujan sehinggalah si pemaksiat itu keluar meninggalkan kita. Maka, keluarlah dari sini siapa pun kamu wahai pemaksiat!"

    Orang yang melakukan maksiat itu pun sedar dialah yg dimaksudkan itu. Dia pun melihat sekelilingnya, mengharapkan ada seorang lain darinya akan keluar. Tetapi tiada seorang pun keluar.

    Maka si pemaksiat ini pun mula bermunajat kepada Allah : "Ya Tuhanku, aku telah bermaksiat kepada-Mu selama 40 tahun... Kau menutup maksiatku itu dari pengetahuan ramai... Dan jika aku keluar pada hari ini, maka akan terbongkarlah aibku... Aku berjanji kepada-Mu aku tidak akan kembali lagi melakukan maksiat ini... Ampunilah aku ya Allah... Tutupilah aibku ya Allah..."

    Maka dengan kehendak-Nya, hujan pun mula turun.
    Nabi Musa pun menjadi hairan, "Ya Rabb, Kau telah turunkan hujan, tetapi tiada seorang pun yang keluar meninggalkan kami."

    Maka kata Allah SWT, " Wahai Musa, Aku turunkan hujan kerana kegembiraan Ku dengan taubat hamba-Ku yang telah bermaksiat selama 40 tahun itu."

    Maka kata Nabi Musa : "Tunjukkanlah aku siapa orang itu, supaya dapat aku sampaikan berita gembira ini."
    Kata Allah SWT : "Wahai Musa, dia telah bermaksiat kepada-Ku selama 40 tahun dan aku menutup maksiatnya itu. Maka adakah pada hari dia kembali kepada-Ku aku mendedahkan siapa dia?"

    Sahabat yang dikasihi,
    Jika Allah SWT telah menutup aib seorang hamba-Nya yang telah melakukan maksiat selama 40 tahun dan mengampunkan dosa-dosanya ketika mana dia bertaubat kenapakah kita tidak boleh menutup aib saudara-saudara kita ? Kenapakan kita suka sangat mendedahkan aib orang lain walaupun kita mengetahui mendedahkan aib adalah satu dosa besar yang sangat dibenci oleh Allah SWT. Mungkin orang yang memiliki aib itu telah bertaubat kepada Allah SWT tetapi kita masih seronok mengaibkannya.
    Allah SWT tidak suka kita membuka aib orang lain dan juga membuka aib kita sendiri . Ada dikalangan kita suka menceritakan kejahatan-kejahatannya dimasa yang lampau dan merasa megah pula dengan perbuatan maksiat tersebut.

    Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya : “Orang yang menutupi aib orang lain di dunia, Allah akan menutupi (aib)nya pada hari kiamat.” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)

    Sekiranya kita sendiri melakukan kesalahan atau maksiat, sesuatu yang aib kerana kelalaian, maka sembunyikanlah dan jangan membicarakannya pada orang lain. Membicarakannya kepada orang lain juga merupakan suatu perkara yang dosa. Apatah lagi jika ia membuat diri ini menjadi popular kerana kesalahan itu. Yang demikian itu akan menjadi penghalang pintu menuju Allah SWT.

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  42. Niat tdk menghalalkn cara sis.
    Berdakwah biarlah dgn ilmu + iman.
    Jika awk tak kesian pd diri awk....kesianlh pd suami awak.
    Saham dosa mendedahkn aurat (wlupun pd masa awk jahil) akn berterusan hingga ke liang lahad...nauzubillah.
    Selagi awk tak awam akn trus tgk + share....begitulh seterusnya.
    Plz remove. Jika ada org awam yg tahu mengenai masa lalu awk melalui carian d google...itu diluar kekuasaan awk.
    ...tetapi skg awk sdr yg memberitahu mrk, awk sdr yg mnunjukkan jalannya. Plz remove...skali lagi niat tdk menghalalkn cara. Plz jgn rosakkn syahadah awk + jgn terus berada dlm kejahilan.
    Sy pun reverted juga..k

  43. Niat tdk menghalalkn cara sis.
    Berdakwah biarlah dgn ilmu + iman.
    Jika awk tak kesian pd diri awk....kesianlh pd suami awak.
    Saham dosa mendedahkn aurat (wlupun pd masa awk jahil) akn berterusan hingga ke liang lahad...nauzubillah.
    Selagi awk tak awam akn trus tgk + share....begitulh seterusnya.
    Plz remove. Jika ada org awam yg tahu mengenai masa lalu awk melalui carian d google...itu diluar kekuasaan awk.
    ...tetapi skg awk sdr yg memberitahu mrk, awk sdr yg mnunjukkan jalannya. Plz remove...skali lagi niat tdk menghalalkn cara. Plz jgn rosakkn syahadah awk + jgn terus berada dlm kejahilan.
    Sy pun reverted juga..k

  44. Apakah itu satu-satunya cara yang awak boleh lakukan untuk berdakwah? Apakah awak rasa benar dengan mendedahkan tubuh badan awak pada khalayak mampu menarik orang ramai utk dekat dengan tuhan? Apakah awak tidak malu mendedahkan tubuh badan awak untuk ditatap umum sekaligus membuka aib sendiri pada khalayak walaupun gambar itu gambar masa lampau awak? Muhasabah felixia, muhasabah.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

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