
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Berhak untuk dicinta... (puisi)

berhak untuk dicinta...

di saat ku rasa
hilang entah di mana
dibuai kecewa hampa
kau di situ
menjadi petunjuk ku
arah mata angin ku

memberi seribu harapan
yang tak pernah ku rasakan
mungkin atau kesampaian
hadirnya diri mu mencipta
kembali rasa cinta
nikmatnya itu bahagia

ku sedar ku hanya
sekadar insan biasa
disebalik ini semua
namun kau buat ku rasa
diri ku ini berharga
juga berhak untuk dicinta...


  1. Salam felixia.. I'm really happy for your love of hijab and baju kurung. Keep on firm in your choice, I believe you'll be a shinhe women out there, even for the malay women, you know.

    Regarding the hijab, I think you know muslimah wears it because it is stated in the Quran, which is what Allah ask them to do. But did you also know, that in the bible, there is also a verse that commanding for women to cover up their heads?

    If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head" the bible 1 Corrinthians 11:3-6.

    I want to encourage you to read the AlQuran (which is the translation of course) because I know, as a matter of fact, that if you read it with your sincere heart, insya Allah, He will open His door to you and give you guidance, serenity, and the purpose of life that you've been looking for.

    Wish you the best in your journey, amin.

    1. *typo correction.

      Salam felixia.. I'm really happy for your love of hijab and baju kurung. Keep on firm in your choice, I believe you'll be a shining example for women out there, even for the malay women, you know.

      Regarding the hijab, I think you know muslimah wears it because it is stated in the Quran, which is what Allah ask them to do. But did you also know, that in the bible, there is also a verse that commanding for women to cover up their heads?

      If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head" the bible 1 Corrinthians 11:3-6.

      I want to encourage you to read the AlQuran (which is the translation of course) because I know, as a matter of fact, that if you read it with your sincere heart, insya Allah, He will open His door to you and give you guidance, serenity, and the purpose of life that you've been looking for.

      Wish you the best in your journey, amin.

  2. membuai bayu di hujung waktu
    kamu menunggu tanpa aku di sisimu
    bertanya cerita cinta yang khas untukmu
    kita berlegar dalam ruang masa
    cuba berlari mengejar cinta
    rupanya cinta kita berkait
    mengerti bait - bait
    kalam cinta tercatat di segala langkah - langkah kita
    bila kita cinta
    kita merasa
    kita leka
    kita bernyawa
    lantas segala pintu hati mu kau bukakan untukku
    santuni aku
    larakan aku
    kita tak beda
    antara kita cinta masih ada..

    -semoga berjaya menemui cinta ABADI-

  3. lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan yang baik.Semoga kamu diberi hidayah oleh Allah S,W,T. kerana Islam itu sangat indah dan mengangkat martabat seorang wanita.

  4. make friend my dear. with those that can guide you towards what u seeking for Felixia.

    Love, Marriage, Dignity, Peace, everything that you're looking for. It's all there in Islam.

    find a friend. who can guide you.
    i believe you can. one day.
    and if you're eager to learn.
    let me know maybe.

    respect from me. good luck.

  5. Women)

    One day, a brilliantly beautiful and fragrant flower with attractive colors met a pearl that lives far in the bottom of the sea and has none of these characteristics. Both got acquainted with each other.

    The flower said: "Our family is large; roses and daisies are members of the family. And there are many other species that are various and countless; each has a distinctive scent, appearance etc."

    Suddenly, a tinge of distress appeared on the flower. "Nothing accounts for sorrow in your talk; so why are depressed?" The pearl asked.

    "Human beings deal with us carelessly; they slight us. They don't grow us for our sake but to get pleasure from our fragrance and beautiful appearance. They throw us on the street or in the garbage can after we are dispossessed of the most valuable properties; brilliance and fragrance."

    The flower sighed. And then the flower said to the pearl: "Speak to me about your life! How do you live? How do you feel it? You are buried in the bottom of the sea."

    The pearl answered: "Although I have none of your distinctive colors and sweet scents, humans think I am precious. They do the impossible to procure me. They go on long journeys, dive deep in the seas searching for me. You might be astounded to know that the further I lay, the more beautiful and brilliant I become.

    That's what upraises my value in their thought. I live in a thick shell isolated in the dark seas. However, I'm happy and proud to be in a safe zone far from wanton and mischievous hands and still the humans consider me highly valuable."

    Do you know what the flower and the pearl symbolize?

    Think, Think, Think...

    You will find that: The flower is the unveiled woman (who shows her charms) and the pearl is the veiled woman (who conceals her beauties).

  6. You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Cinta hakiki ialah cinta illahi .Carilah kebenaran demi kebahagiaan mu di dunia apalagi di alam selepas mati

  9. May Allah give guidance to you to keep hijab and cover your nakedness. He will protect you. Aamiin.

  10. I hope u will be strong. Because u will be tested, to make u a better person that is. Thats life

  11. you are totally awesome when you wear the hijab. ISLAM itu indah. semoga diberi hidayah. kami mengalu-alukan kedatangan baru sis. :)

  12. Allah itu indah dan cintakan keindahan.

  13. Al-Quran tu surat cinta dari Allah. Kalau Felixia baca, mesti Felixia suka. Lagi2 Felixia ni org yg puitis. :)

  14. Hi... :)

    You'll find your true love someday. hee.. and that time you will be the happiest person in the world. :)
    love you!.. hihi


  15. Felisya.Allah bagi dugaan bukanlah kerana Allah benci akan kita sebaliknya Dia Sayangkan makhluknya di mukabumi ini.

  16. Love is pure thing.. only pure heart can feels it..But pure love is not between mortals but a love to HIM.. dear Fel do not worry HE will match u with a man that accept who u are..

  17. Jika ianya telah bermula, maka teruskan apa yang baik..Peace for you my sista..

  18. Hidayah daripada Allah SWT adalah amat benar. Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat : 120 dan Surah Ali Imran, ayat : 73.

    Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka (yang telah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): “Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah (ugama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar”. Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yang memberi) pengetahuan kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu.

  19. I am looking forward towards your next step and development. May Truth and Beauty be upon you. Gambatte Felicia. :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada felixia untuk memeluk Islam insyaAllah...ana cadangkan felixia bykkan membaca buku2 tentang Islam...khususnya buku kisah nabi Muhammad SAW...semoga sentiasa diberikan kekuatan...

  22. Felixia,

    People make mistakes in life, because we are human.

    What matters is what you want and what you choose in life.

    I myself was born muslim and I did had my own mistakes that I dont know if Allah would forgive me, but there is never too late in life to fix the past we had.

    Be strong and strive for what you are looking for. Things might get rough in the way but at the end you will be pleased with what Allah has planned for you in this world.

    Read al-Quran with translation and explanation. Those who are searching for answers with sincerity will find al-Quran is has the best answer for everything in life and after life.

    BarakAllah felixia. :)

  23. kita berasal dari segumpal darah, yang darah jikalau kita pegang atau lihat, jijik lagi meloyakan.. bau bauannya busuk lagi kotor dan memudaratkan.. Manusia sering lupa hakikat ini, apabila disajikan dengan harta, tahta, pangkat, dan dunia, kita merasakan diri kita lebih suci berbanding dari pengemis yang pada Asalnya.. Allah itu menjadikan kita serupa sahaja.. iaitu dari segumpal darah.. selamat berhijrah wahai manusia.. kita adalah sama.. kejayaan itu bukan pada permulaan, tetapi pada garis penamat.

  24. Hello, Felixia, terima kasih kerana memilih dan terpilih untuk berhijab..Semoga pinta hati awak akan dibuka olehNya dan mendapat hidayah serta petunjuk yang jelas tentang pemakaian hijab sebagai seorang muslim.

    Jadikan ini sebagai satu titik permulaan baru dalam hidup awak sepanjang hidup..Ambil yang jernih dan buang yang keruh..

  25. Dear Felixia, Since the very begining of our existance we had been loved. Its just that as human we always blinded by earthly desires and temptations that we cannot see the one that truely loves us. The one that whisper to your heart to start wearing hijab. The one that give you peace when you start to cover you aurah. The one that always love you no matter what past you had. May ALLAH will guide you to find the path. Trust me when you do, you will felt peace like no other. And at that time you soulmate will come, and he will love you, protect you and guide you to the path that blessed by ALLAH. Find ALLAH dear, and love will find you inshaALLAH.


  26. Sesungguhnya islam itu addin (kesempurnaan) malu lah org wanita Muslim. Apabila disuruh kamu berhijab, tapi kamu enggan. .

  27. Saya doa kan semoga hadiyah akan singgah di hatimu...cinta allah..cinta rasulullah. .cinta sha allah kita akan bahagia..

  28. saya suka perempuan bertudung. saya pun suka apabila awak felixia bertudung. saya amat bangga. wajah awak nampak cantik dan comel apabila bertudung berbanding dengan penampilan awak sebelum ni. good luck okay. semoga awak dapat apa yang awak nak. saya suka awak bertudung. haha. okay. take care okay.

  29. Saya doa kan semoga hadiyah akan singgah di hatimu...cinta allah..cinta rasulullah. .cinta sha allah kita akan bahagia..

  30. gugurnye titisan air mata xkala membaca blog ni....rase diriku lbh hina dr dirimu.dilahirkan engkau bkn dlm agamanye tp mengerti lbh dr ape yg aku pelajari.semoga dirimu dirahmati dan diberkati diberi hidayah olehnye ya rabbi....(namzah)

  31. indah sungguh yang felixia titipkan,
    sungguh indah,
    indah seperti wajah felixia,
    teruskan niat murni felixia dengan berhijab,
    insyaAllah semoga Allah memberimu hidayah =)

  32. Semoga kau temui cinta hakiki cinta abadi Amin...

  33. Sweet And Elegant Felixia Have A Great Day

  34. Assalamualaikum saudari...
    Sesungguhnye Islam itu brsaudare... tidak dibezakan dengan Warne kulit, Budaye, mahupun harte kekayaan... jike ade kemusykilan, persoalan, @ kekeliruan, jangan malu2,jangan segan2, PM saye. Insya Allah saye sedie MEMBANTU. INNALLAHA MAA'NA...

  35. Felixia,teruskan mencari sinar dalam hidup anda.Insha Allah hidayah Allah akan datang hasil dari usaha anda.Saya doakan agar anda diberi hidayah dan rahmat dari Allah.Kerana apa yang sedang anda lakukan sekarang adalah tanda-tanda hidayah dari Allah.Insha Allah anda akan berjaya dunia dan akhirat

  36. assalamualaikum. menitis air mata ku melihat kau bertudung dan menutup
    aurat. masya Allah subhana Allah. sesungguh nya nikmat yang diberi pinjam Allah
    sangat berharga tiada nilai nya. berusahalah felixia. Allah sentiasa bersama orang
    yang mendekatinya. insha Allah.

  37. Felixia,apa perkembangan sekarang?

  38. Hopefully you will find someone who will love you like your nikah kita bercinta haha....I love that telemovie. Speechless nice acting

  39. Uncle percaya...dalam hati sudah ada bunga cinta untuk mencari kebenaran. Teruskan anakku.

  40. Love is not an objective for me, love is a subjective.. The truth is love cant be blind. People who are in love are blind. So dear felixia, alhamdulillah. Whatever people says, u just focus on whatever feel u right. Islam taught us what is good and bad. So whatever good intention do u have, just do it. Its never wrong.. But remember, even islam there are so many "ajaran sesat". Jadi saudari berpeganglah pd ajaran ahlu sunnah wal jamaah (hassan al banna). Semoga saudari tidak slh dlm mencari kebenaran. Saya sedia membantu saudari jika perlukan pertolongan.
