Monday, December 16, 2013

Past. Present. Future.


A lot of people are starting to ask me to take down my Facebook cover photo and delete all those photos of me that were more sexually inclined.

As I have posted previously in my would be a NO.


First of all, those are my achievements of my career as a model who made it international besides local...especially as Playboy Bunny and Playboy Model. 

How could I have the heart to delete everything that I have worked soooo hard for past 8 years, that I have to suffer for, for every achievement that have made me known as who I am today. 

Those pictures serve as a story behind the Felixia Yeap now. 

A lesson to be learnt by all.

Also to remind myself why I chose to be covered up.
Why I did a 180 degrees of change.

Deleting them would most likely mean to deny my past, and that would probably spark another issue by people who think I am trying to lie to myself and hide people from the truth of my past.


You could never please them no matter what you do.

I could not please everyone. 

All I could do is be myself, be true to honest, be sincere...learn from the past, and head for a better future.

Whether or not people would be judgemental and sceptical about my actions and decisions.

Besides, even if I have the heart to delete all those pictures from my Facebook...there would still be plenty more in Google and everywhere else in the world. 
What is the next step then?
Ask Google and everyone else who has my photos to delete them as well?

I was (and still am) proud of my achievements in modelling scene...but I was just not happy in the depth of my heart and soul as a person behind the working environment and who it required me to be and what it required me to do.

Thus my decision.


The Felixia Yeap still in the midst of transition...still learning and just starting to berjinak-jinak with muslimah styles and fashion besides trying to understand, learn more and dig deeper about its religion that is giving me more and more peace.

It is not the easiest procedure...but with your understanding of me as a professional model and me personally as my true and most comfortable self...and still being both at the SAME time for now until all my past contracts are over and done with, path will be smoother. 

So...please let me take my time. It took me almost decade to finally decide on wanting and insisting to cover up my aurat and even hair, the moment I put my first picture in Facebook and blog with a Hijab on a few months back, I know I am heading to a better path in life. 
I am regaining my sacrificed dignity (during work) as a respected woman who is not just another pretty face with a hot body.
I found my peace.

I am much happier now and I feel more at peace each time I cover my aurat, and put on my hijab.
I think thats all that matter.


I could not predict the one's future is ever guaranteed...

But I am definitely going to keep wearing hijab and muslimah clothing, since I feel more and more reluctant with exposing my naked skin or hair in public area.

For my modeling career, of course I would very much prefer Muslimah stream of modeling assignments that would cover up my body, and best of all, would let me wear my hijab and be myself...

I would rather get less income than to make myself feeling exploited and unhappy again.
After all...duit tu bukannya boleh cari sampai habis pun, kan?

Janji hati tenang.

So...I am really grateful for all those Muslimah boutiques that are offering me to be their model. 
Thank you so, so, so much.

And I would like to start my own little business to cover up all those modelling jobs which I have rejected due to my preference of not wanting to be sexy and exposed anymore, and also later on, hopefully soon, start my charity projects too.
Everything is still pretty much in planning stage, and I am trying to save up some capital to kick them off. 

Keep reading and checking my blog and Facebook fan page.
InsyaAllah...I would have some good news coming in. =)



  1. we will support you till jannah~ :)

  2. remember what i have told you felixia. be strong. u gonna need it. :)

  3. It's okay Dear Felixia. We still support you no matter what. Be strong sayang

  4. The first steps will always be hard Fel. Keep it up, you already taken that difficult first steps the rest are just the continuation of what you have started. All of us here will be supporting you in all the decision you made.

    Kalau ada apa2 cara lagi tuk kitorang support, just say the word ya Fel.

  5. just be yourself..... :)

  6. hello Felixia hehe i just hope you will find the best man to guide you to the right path :)

  7. Dont bother what others people said... strong dear...

  8. U bole belajar n ambil contoh dr corrie lee, eddie pak aka najmi...dn beberapa selebriti yg sudah islam...semoga kamu selalu tenang dan bahagia

  9. Slow and steady Felixia
    Yang penting berterusan bukan berapa cepat awak berubah dan berhijrah.
    All the best :)

  10. SubhanAllah, I am too just the same as you, that trying to learn about peace within religion. What we all need is just being patience in every tests that God given to us. Pray more my dear, insyaAllah He will guide you and lend you strength to go through your every hardships. All you need is just a strong beliefs towards Him, I will pray for you as well.. insyaAllah. don't worry okay?

  11. we support you no matter what :)

  12. Syabas kepada miss felixia...jadilah diri sendiri dan jujur pada diri sendiri jangan dilayan komen-komen negatif miss felixia..semoga miss felixia memperoleh kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat..insyaaAllah..keep it up!! Perubahan memerlukan pengorbanan..we muslim fully support you!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. the path you've chosen is not the easiest one.. but the reward is THE GREATEST. may Allah guide you. Be strong!

  15. Yes. Agree with u .Those who asked you to remove your previous picture,doesn't understand your feeling and the things that you went through. As i always mentioned to you, ignore the negative and stay in with the positive..slow and steady. There is no rights for human to coerce others to be what they want, and tell you to do this or that. Just ignore them, be on the path that you feel comfortable. Stay strong Felixia, we'll always love and support you and be here when you need us

  16. If you need any advise on the right books to buy/read on Islam, or if you have any questions for example on Comparative Religious Studies say between Islam and The People of The Book ( Christians and Jews) , similarities and contras between the Quran and The Bible, don't be shy and I'll be MORE than obliging to help wherever I can.

    I do NOT recommend as a Muslim Myself, for you to pick-up The Quran's Translation yet, cause without a background knowledge of it, you wouldn't really understand it.

    I do recommend and suggest you pick a book, English most preferrably for someone like yourself, on the Biography or background of The Prophet Muhammad, his life story first before picking-up The Quran itself.

    "MUHAMMAD: his life based on the earliest sources" by Martin Lings

    This is the most recommended as it is well written by a Non-Muslim and easiest for both Muslims and Non-Muslims as well.

    The Best Non-Muslim writer on Comparative objective look at Islam from a very professional standpoint which I applaud would be Karen Armstrongs work.

    Admin of CCWM on Facebook

  17. U rawk!!! I respect watever decision that u made. Good luck wif ur journey to a better path n future :-)

  18. that good at least u take slowly cool n smooth that important

  19. Be strong and keep learning....... u r in a rite path.....

  20. We will always support you Felixia :) InsyaAllah

  21. La Iqra Ha compulsion in (imposing non-believers to turn to) Islam (or its teachings for that matter). She has come to appreciate the value of hijab and bring it onto herself...will be a matter of time before that realization materialize onto her photos o:-)

  22. Will support you. dont forget to browse youtube
    1.yusuf estee
    2.ahmed deedat
    3.zakir naik
    4.syekh hussein yee

    it will guide you for better life insyaAllah


    1. Yup..miss felixia..sheikh ahmad deedat n zakir naik.. I think maybe you can see their speech and Q&A session..hope this can solve your confusion about your journey..InsyaaAllah..

  23. We support you! Just be strong enough, ok. You're on the right track. Wanna talk to Allah=Doa. Wanna Allah talk to you=Al Quran

  24. no matter what people said about you.. just ignore it and believe in yourself...Be strong and i pray for your best and success...

  25. Be true to yourself, you know what is right and what is wrong :) I'll support you Miss Felixia! Insyaa Allah :)

  26. Just ignore all the comments regarding your pictures in Facebook. If you don't want to delete your picture, it's up to you. As you said, you can't deny your past. And it's already becomes part of your life to be remembered. By keeping them doesn't mean that you wanna do the job again but as you said to remember yourself why you chose to be covered up and why you did a 180 degrees of change. Take your time, sister. BTW, love your post and hope you keep posting about your life experience. Maybe it could inspired someone like me. Who knows?

  27. Anyway..starting from now..i will start calling your name FELISYA..Allah will guide u to Jannah.

  28. i in love with u girl.. u such a strong little humble advise..always ask to guru @ ulama since browsing on the internet wont help u that much..

    deepest SALUTE from me felixia@felisya.. :-)

  29. wahhhh alhamdulillah. inshaallah. :D
    why bother. let them hehehehe u cn do it!go girl!

  30. InsyaAllah :) U will find more peace and beautiful in what u seek for..
    Ya Allah, berilah kebahagiaan buat Felixia Yeap..
    Moga ketemukan ketenangan dan kebahagiaan sebenar dalam hatinya..

    I want so much to be your friend.
    Yeah its true its hard to change tapi satu kepayahan pada waktu sekarang
    akan beri result yang berbaloi di masa hadapan..
    Percayalah dan yakin :)
    Go girl.. U can do it.
    Love and kisses from me sis :)

    A'isyah :)

  31. Hi,
    What a great news to hear!
    Indeed more good news will be overwhelming your life..
    Trust only be to God..


  32. My humble advice is just that, live in a circle of friends, I mean a good friend (yang soleh-solehah I would say). Believe me u'll going to need them during your ups and downs. InsyaAllah.

  33. Dear Felixia,
    63- Matters are of three kinds: a matter the guidance of which is clear; hence, you should follow it, a matter the misguidance of which is clear; hence, you should avoid it, or a matter that is confused; hence, you should refer to those who can solve its confusion.

  34. Hi Felixia, just came across your profile & blog regarding you tutup aurat. I can sense your sincerity in covering up. Cemuhan tu memang ada walau kita tutup sekalipun, ada je orang yg tak puas hati dgn kite. Tu memang lumrah manusia. Tapi go back to your intentions on why you are covering up & u will find strength to go through this. May you get His enlightenment.

  35. Hi Felixia, I really respect for I'll you've done until you decide to wear hijab. I'm from Indonesia and I know sone one who have a journeys like yours.
    Just search " Inneke Koesherawaty" . God show her a way fron darkness to brighten way and hidding all of her past until now. I do really respect her.
    I hope that Allah will show me and all of Us way to His way and mercy for all mistakes we have done in the past, present and our future.


  36. felixia just do what you want to do with your life..the ppl who do not understand your work will not understand you..let them and their hateful comment..cuz they got no life other to make ppl sad about themself...if you want to wear muslimah clothes then wear it because you look simply amazing in them with your aurat closed and the radiant on your face,it really tell us that you really like the wear as one of your fans,i really wish you well and keep up the muslimah hijab i really like you pic of wearing them haha and to those ppl who ask you to bring down your modeling photos...get a life...felixia not yet in islam so there no need,plus as she say there are plenty of blogs that got her there no point in it.

  37. Not everyone would get that same hidayah as you do which to me is that you are being loved from someone from high up there, in the heavens as your intentions are pure. Perhaps a muslimah should learn from you who told themselves how hot it is wearing one, it's the intentions that matter and it's a journey understand oneself.

    I understood that nobody can take away my resume and my resume is my bread and butter and somehow i live by Imam al-Ghazali's words that says, "The past is very far from myself" and you can never be sure when someone from the higher up calls up again and you're like a newborn baby. ;)


    W'salam ya Ukhti.

  38. You can never pleased society's. Just do things that make you feel calm and happy. :) You got many supporter rather than hater. Keep digging. You'll find what you've been looking for. :)

  39. Felicia, all the best to you, I hope you will get the hidayah to go along with your hijab and muslimah style, insya Allah...

  40. Sejenak mengingatkan saya ttg diawal keislaman diri. Sebelum mengambil keputusan utk memilih Islam dulu, perkara pertama yg bermain difikiran adalah Penampilan Diri dari segi pemakaian. Adakah saya sudah cukup berani/nekad utk bekorban menukar image diri, serta cara kehidupan duniawi yg lain dan saya "cuba2" bertudung bila keluar bekerja semasa di Melaka dulu, sehinggalah saya kembali ke fitrah agama..Alhamdulillah.. sungguh saya amat memahami yg dialaminya dalam mencari ketenangan diri yg haikiki & sebati dgn jiwa sendiri. Ada seorang ustaz yg mengajar religion class di Perkim Melaka dulu(sebelum Islam) pernah berkata, "sesungguhnya jiwa kamu sudah Islam, cuma kamu belum Islam atas paper sahaja, dan kita tidak tahu apa yg akn berlaku selepas ini. Biarlah kita mati, mati dalam Islam beriman kepada Allah(selepasnya itu terus bersyahadah, alhamdulillah). Dan begitu juga saya rasa, hati dan jiwamu sudah Islam my dear Felixia and as what u wrote on above,
    " InsyaAllah...I would have some good news coming in. =) " and insya'allah, Allah will bring and guide to to the right path.. deep in heart already love you, love u as a muslim sister.. subahna'allah..
    # you said "..I am much happier now and I feel more at peace each time I cover my aurat, and put on my hijab. I think thats all that matter.." the keywords is " peace from within " and that kind of peace will get in Islam. Trust me!

    1. indeed.. read through the life of Loo Jo Yee..
      May the Creator, Allah guide us all to the right path to HIM...

  41. The is light in the end of tunnel :)

  42. I'm not gonna force you to delete all that pictures like others but I'm gonna wait for it :)

  43. not judging about your past...but you look so cute in this new look! love it!

  44. Love your new look which I find much more better than present :) Keep it up girl!!!!

  45. Allah pasti menolong org yang ingin berubah...ALLAH itu tidak bertempat... Allah berfirman dlm Al Quran.. Sesungguhnya Minta lah pada ALLAH krn ALLAH itu sangat dekat.. lebih dekat dari Urat Leher mu Sendiri.... Oleh itu Miss Yeap.. Jgn Lupa utk Menadah Tangan utk berdoa... Menangis lah dan Tunduklah pada Pencipta yang Maha Agung...(Even that u not muslim yet) Allah Yang Esa (Yang 1) pasti mendengar.. Pohon agar dimudahkan Jalan utk berubah dan diberikan Hidayah (Petunjuk) utk berubah dengan Mudah.... ALLAH apa bila DIA berkata "Kun Fa Ya Kun" (Jadi..Maka jadilah) .. maka jadilah sesuatu diatas kehendaknya walaupun mustahil dlm difikiran Manusia yang terbatas ini.. tetapi TIDAK bagi ALLAH.. Dia Maha Kuasa.. PASTI terjadi spt mana DIA inginkan... Sbb itu Kelebihan Org Islam berbanding dengan dengan Ugama lain adalah DOA.. Doa merupakan Senjata Umat Islam.. So berdoalah..

    Miss Yeap bimbang krn kerjaya model yang diusahakan akan hilang setelah mana memeluk Islam? TIDAK bagi ALLAH... ALLAH pasti menganti yg lebih baik... InsyaALLAH (Semuanya bergantung kepada Kehendak ALLAH)... Pasti ada yg lebih baik.. Dont Worry... :)

  46. jarang sngt nk jumpe org mcm felixia nie yg sanggop nk berubah nk tutup aurat lagi2 bg org yg bukan islam....jarang sngt...nk berubah mmg satu bende yg susah but you slowly achieve that...that's really great...i really hope that you akan dapat hidayah and write more..haha...

  47. satu persatu belek komen2 diatas..semuanya positif!!Alhamdulillah..semua menyuykai perubahan felixia...sama-sama lah kita berdoa agar felixia terus istiqamah di jalan ini. Dan diberi petunjuk,hidayah dan bimbingan Allah swt.Semoga felixia jua terus dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah.Amin.

  48. saya doakan awak dapat ketenangan walau di mana saja anda berada, ramai support u...:-)

  49. Salam.

    Felixia,awk dah jadi suatu inspirasi utk sbg wanita muslim pn byk belajar dr kisah awk,terutamanya dlm pengorbanan utk mencapai istiqamah.awk mendorong sy utk berusaha mencapai darjat iman yg lebih tinggi.terima kasih,felixia.

    sy doakan awk n sy serta kita semua mendapat petunjuk hidayah n ketenangan abadi yg kita damba selama ini.

    Ya Allah,kasihilah Felixia dan kami muslimin muslimat sebagaimana Kau kasihi hambaMu yg soleh.

  50. Why u block me on fb....?? I like to see ur changes....

  51. Keep on improving sister :) God will show the way to those who are sincere in finding the straight path :D And hey, I really2 think by now Ure far better than many of us 'default' Muslims/Muslimahs :D Keep inspiring people to turn over a new leaf !!! :D Teruskan perjuangan and keep up your sincerity in seeking God's pleasure :D

  52. By the way... about the pics... once you've found what ure looking for, and finallya learnt what's right and what's wrong... U yourself will know what to do with them :D Peace!!!

  53. try read Ahmed Deedat's articles, his books is great. i have some. might be i can share with u too :) i also had some pdf file about his books. its really a great 'debate' u may finds out. have a great day Sis Felixia!

    Take your time. Don't bother those negative matters. Just be happy with yourself. What you need is TIME. Everything will slightly change while time pass by...We can't force someone to change immediately. What important is, you know what you're doing, what you want, what is your desire. Not them. Not them who can change you except from you yourself, from the bottom of your heart.

    ...astaghfirullah [for the past]
    ...alhamdulillah [for the present] sha allah[for the future]

  54. InsyaAllah will guide you thru by your side all the time. Myself is a revert coming to 9 years. Cant deny I'm blessed with peace and much more. Seeing you wanting to wear hijab so much makes me realise I must be like you. Do it just do it. Wish you all the best in your business and charity planning. Assalamualaikum

  55. Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin… if you really seek for the beauty of truth, I'll pray for my Lord to grant your wishes, put you with those upon whom The Lord have bestowed His grace. Amiiin…

    Me myself a bit jealous with you and others who got His message (hidayah) by yourself… urm… I mean, you are not born in a Muslim family and its environment but yet you have the guts to seek for the truth among all the thing you can done this entire time…

    Well… hidayah milik Allah. Dia akan beri kepada sesiapa yang Dia pilih (of course it's start with your own intention). And again, Alhamdulillah, you are one of His choice to taste His heaven. InsyaAllah… :)

    Piece of advice: If you want to learn about Islam, dont ever judge Islam by its people but look into what its teachs and guiding coz people always have their mistakes but not the religion

  56. ignore those -ve talks. i support u sista!

  57. Hai dear.. I sangat sebak dengan keikhlasan you. Insya Allah dear. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Heads up. Keep on have faith. Keep on learning. You dont need to look at the fellow muslims. But learn the religion and adapt to it. Always have faith and be strong. Dugaan tu sentiasa ada supaya ajar kita kuat dan bersabar. 'If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Happy moments, praise Allah, Difficult moments, seek Allah, Quiet moments, worship Allah, Painful moments, trust Allah, every moment, Alhamdulillah..' YES you can!

  58. The society will always have something to say.. Don't give up and god blessed..

  59. Alhamdulliah... Insyallah U own greatest hidayah which others yet still searching.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Actually you are just a beginner. If u learn more about Islam. the rules of wearing proper hijab. The reason why people wants u to delete ur sexy photo. U might understand. It will give you more protection and safety. I'm so happy to see ur transformation. My ustad once said to me, "Non Muslim when they find Islam.. They are more Islamic more Iman and Taqwa than Muslim itself." Don't be afraid with them. Be friend and learn together. :) Alhamdulillah and Congrats with your decisions and be strong to learn Islam.

  62. your courage, conviction, and strength has brought me to tears.

    even before reading your blog have i several times reflected on myself; born muslim and brought up in islamic environment ( perhaps even way too islamic that it even blurred and fused with racial sentiments ).

    But alas, even with extensive islamic education, still have i repeatedly failed to live up to even my own mediocre expectations. i failed to observe my prayers, to pay my tithe, to be honest and to be upright.... Repeatedly have i blundered in my relationship with other humans, muslims and non-muslims alike, just to name a few aspects of my flaw.

    there were times when i reflect on my defects that i have wondered, what is the point anyways, since i am way off the rails? is there even salvation for such a whiny little runt, such a creature like me?

    but i kept on forgetting that one should not give up on His Mercy. Me, with my hopelessly extensive shortcomings, i'm deeply humbled reading your blog.

    keep on being strong, even though i am sure you already are.

    for i would draw inspiration and strength from knowing the existence of somebody like you...

  63. learn from your past, enjoy your present and live for you future. its good that u wear hijab now. it makes u look cute =) be strong felixia. there is no perfection in this world. kita manusia pun tidak sempurna tetapi kita mencari kesempurnaan dgn memperbaiki diri kita supaya menjadi yg lebih baik pada masa hadapan.

  64. may you find the inner peace soon and be at peace with yourself

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hello and peace be upon you, Felixia.

    Being recently intrigued about your hijab story when my wife brought it up a few days ago, I spent quite some time going through this blog and your other social media channels - to initially try and see if you're for real, which I think you are - but eventually found what was really interesting was how people reacted to your posts.

    It was fascinating to see how Malaysians would react to stories that really blend together race, religion and women issues - i.e. your decision to wear the hijab even though you're a professional model paid to look sexy. It was amusing to see the contrast of how an Insta of you in something skimpy will generate a bunch of sleazy comments, while the next Insta of you in a hijab will draw lots of alhamdulillahs and marriage proposals, including few (very few, thankfully) requests telling you to stop wearing the hijab. Whether you meant to or not, you have certainly made people think about women's racial and religious identities in this country and what a particular woman chooses to wear can really make a difference in how people react.

    I also think it's great that you've chosen to respond gracefully to the many calls encouraging you to embrace Islam even though you've stated earlier you're a free thinker that's just starting to dig deeper into Islam. Hope you don't feel 'rimas' and get turned off about Islam and Muslims instead. I believe everyone means well and if you find one or two people getting on your nerves - please don't judge a song by a few bad singers.

    All the best to you and your future endeavours. Salam.

  67. Wow..really trkejut still ade non-muslim like to wearing Muslim cloth..smga diberi hidayat...I am sure u will not regret what u did now..

  68. miss Felixia,
    normal la kalau orang memandang skeptikal bila anda memakai hijab. sebab yang born muslim pun payah nak buat kerana ini adalah kewajipan yang mengandungi falsafah dan syarat. tiba2 anda pakai on-off gitu memang susah orang nak terima.

    saya teringat kisah kristiane backer former MTV presenter yang masuk Islam, dia berusaha buang gambar2 dia yang seksi dan sanggup merayu kepada sesiapa yang pernah publish gambar dia supaya dipadamkan. sedangkan awak pula mempertahankan gambar2 tu dalam masa yang sama menutup aurat. nampaknya awak buat benda ni sebelum memahami falsafahnya. macam manalah orang tak skeptikal dengan tindakan awak.

    hijab, tudung or whatever it's called, bukan semata2 menutup kulit kita dengan busana2 cantik yang ada di pasaran. ia sebenarnya adalah lambang kepatuhan kepada Tuhan semesta alam. jadi bila awak mengambil yang luarnya saja dan meninggalkan falsafah yang di dalam, for sure orang akan sangka buruk yang awak nak mengelirukan muslimah2 malaysia yang baru nak rancak bertudung sekarang ni.

    anyway kalau awak ikhlas, kami doakan Allah pimpin awak sampai betul2 bertemu jalanNya yang benar. kami gembira dan alu2kan awak jadi saudara kami. saya suggest awak join bro Firdaus Wong di Malaysian Reverted Muslim yang best dan cool. salam.

  69. Hi Felixia,

    I respect your decision on not deleting your past pictures. However, I'd like to suggest you that you may put your latest modest pictures on all your social media/profiles without deleting your old pictures.

    I understand that the pasts are past. We can never remove our past. However, the present is what we do for future. I'm sure, you are now looking forward for a better yourself in the future. So, You might show and post the best of you, wearing modest clothes into your social profiles.

    I am praying, so do others... that you will driven by Allah to embrace Islam. I know, the world are behind you right now. Once you cite the Shahadah, I'm very sure that the heaven too will back you. Insya-Allah. :-)

  70. Hi Felixia!
    I'm totally blown away when learning about your transition. Keep it up and ignore what others
    said about you. As far as I see, you didn't do anything wrong. Yes, I'm agree with Fadzrul Hisyam's points and his suggestion.

    I'm praying for the best for you. Be tough and may Allah give you strength and guidance. :-)

  71. وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالا فَهَدَى
    Dan didapatiNya engkau mencari-cari (jalan yang benar), lalu Ia memberikan hidayah petunjuk (dengan wahyu – Al-Quran)
    surah Ad-Duha ayat 7

  72. wearing of Malay clothes don't make you a Muslim,think a lot of people have misconception about this...when a pretty Chinese girl wear it,people go like wah! if a not so good looking Chinese girl wear it,will it have the same effect?don't understand the hoo ha about it and don't care also^_^ a Chinese will always be a Chinese,don't forget your roots

    1. yeah… i agree with you sir about the Chinese roots and so on..but i want to emphasis that the clothes that she's wearing isn't Malay's for a start..and also if one is Chinese that doesn't meant that one cannot be a Muslim..the same goes with Buddist, Christian, and so on..its the faith that the one chose isn't it?dont get me wrong coz i respect Chinese people as i respect others but i didnt agree if you say "if not so good looking Chinese girl wears it..". For me i would say i would gave the same respect as Felixia had own. Again, not because of the "Malay's clothes" but the faith that one believe in. If one wears it without the faith, of course he/she had insults me and others.

      What i want to say is, if you really want to seek for the truth about yourself, about science, economy, the universe, origin of a matter, hereafter and whatever questions come across in your mind..whatever religion and faith you are in, read and understand what your book of revelation said to you.. it will all pointed to prophet Muhammad sallahu a'laihi wassalam teaching, Al-Quran and the Hadith.

      Please, i beg you to read them before its too late. Just read them and after that it all up to you to decide. i've got nothing to hide and it is never any tricks i want to play with.

      Again, please!

  73. 1st of all i'm shock about u...but i'm impressed ur effort 2 change ur life...truthly its an honoured u 2 be my fren..keep it good works...InsyaAllah u would not alone this time.......salam ikhlas..

  74. Alhamdullilah! Allah had opened your heart!
    Do not be sway by those negative or hurtful talks. Its the trails that may made you stronger, InshaAllah. You had glimpse the light of Islam. You will understand more in future.
    Learn more, the dos & don'ts, ask questions from reputable teachers or those with knowledge. Read books. Take your time but beware of inner & outer obstacles. People, strangers, friends & relatives may try to hinder or hurt you. You may feel pain & despair. Even your very close kins or friends may turn against you. If encountered, be strong as the rewards in the afterlife is greater than the transients in this world.
    I'm a chinese convert so I understand. There are others whom faced worst obstacles than you & me. May Allah grant us the strengths, forgive & guide us, & bless us with the goodness in this world & the hereafter. Amin.


  76. Alhamdulillah i can see a glimpse of light there...from reading your post it somehow give me some inner seems that im drawn to your sincerity and i will always pray for your peaceful life that you seek all this sha Allah u will find it sooner or doa will always be with you felixia

  77. Dear Felixia,

    Worry not about perception of others. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, "what does not kill me makes me stronger". The Prophet Muhammad and his followers suffered a lot during his initial stage of preaching. Your just name it....ridicule, torture, economic embargo not to mention persecution. Sadly, it was committed by his own people, his own tribe. He persevered and now there is about 1.6 billion people on this planet who are the followers of his teachings, in one form or another. Patience is a virtue....

  78. Be strong. . We always support you as saudara seislam. ^_^ respect you dear. Alhamdulillah

  79. Kakak Felixia, semoga kakak felixia mendapat hidayah daripada Allah ttg indahnya Islam ini yg menjaga hak dan maruah seorang wanita dari segi aurat dan personalitinya. Kakak felixia serius saya cakap lagi cantik dan comel kalau pakai baju muslimah, so teruskan lah pakai baju muslimah dgn tudung! Kerana hidayahnya ad di situ, teruskan pemakaian mcm itu dan berusaha lah mencari kebenaranNya, dan semoga kakak dpt suami yang soleh (yg baik dan boleh jaga kakak) Amin... Insyaallah.. ^_^ abaikan siapa2 yg condemn cara akak berpakaian yg kononnya akak ni pernah jd model playboy ke apa, mentaliti org Msia rmai mcm tu, so buat tak tau je, ni adalah cabaran utk akak utk menuju ke arah kebaikan. percayalah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W @ Rasulullah S.A.W semasa mahu menyebarkan dakwah pun byk dugaan dan cabaran yg dihadapi baginda. Go go felixia! Fighting! :D

  80. Miss Felixia,

    I totally understand the reason behind u not wanting to delete your past photos. I believe Hijrah towards something better shouldn't be about forgetting who you were, but more about knowing who you will be.

  81. "O Allah, just as You have made my external beautiful, make my character beautiful as well".


  82. Dear Felixia,
    Alhamdulillah, suka tengok felixia pakai pakaian muslimah dan berhijab. In shaa Allah, semoga ianya menjadi titik permulaan kepada felixia ke arah yang lebih baik. Never give up, biarpun beribu kata-kata negative yang datang, jadikan ianya sebagai pendorong yang menguatkan lagi semangat felixia. Akak doakan felixia terus berjaya dalam hidup dan di kurniakan hidayah daripada Allah S.W.T. Amin...

  83. U will delete it someday when u understand the beauty of islam. Allah maha pengampun :) all the best fel

  84. Hai. ^-^

    Serius,sebelum ni saya tak pernah dengar nama sis. Heboh dalam fb yang akak dah mula berubah walaupun sis non muslim. Dan sekrang saya kenal. :')

    Setiap orang ada pendapat masing-masing dan saya sokong sis. At least penampilan sis yang sekarang boleh kami berfikir,sedangkan sis yang bukan islam boleh pakai macam orang islam kenapa kami sendiri tak boleh?


  85. Dear Felixia,

    It's really astonishing seeing you in Hijab. I've found out about it weeks back and came across the interview of you in TV Al-Hijrah today. As a guy, who rarely had a tear rolling down my face, I would say the interview today just did. It was the tear of joy. The way you answered all the question was really beautiful and sincere.I was able to feel the spirit of you in covering up yourself. It's a very good turning point of you in being a much decent lady. Continue to spread the positive energy to the world. I would personally support you and your future undertakings regardless of the path you're choosing.

    Last but not least,

    "beautiful thing doesn't seek attention".

    watch "Secret Life of Walter Mitty" it will inspire you :)

    Take care and all the best Felixia.

    - Hayden Abdul Rahman

  86. Yunus 99 - 106:

    "And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers?

    And it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah , and He will place defilement upon those who will not use reason.

    Say, "Observe what is in the heavens and earth." But of no avail will be signs or warners to a people who do not believe

    So do they wait except for like [what occurred in] the days of those who passed on before them? Say, "Then wait; indeed, I am with you among those who wait."

    Then We will save our messengers and those who have believed. Thus, it is an obligation upon Us that We save the believers

    Say, [O Muhammad], "O people, if you are in doubt as to my religion - then I do not worship those which you worship besides Allah ; but I worship Allah , who causes your death. And I have been commanded to be of the believers

    And [commanded], 'Direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth, and never be of those who associate others with Allah ;

    And do not invoke besides Allah that which neither benefits you nor harms you, for if you did, then indeed you would be of the wrongdoers."

  87. Change is hard.. It has always been that.
    Take your time and be honest to yourself.

  88. felicia, you are really-really beautiful wearing jubah and hijab. From what i see, Allah have taken your beauty and brought into another level. Hijab's not only protect you, it makes you more beautiful. I prefer the new you. May Allah bless you, and may Allah grant you hidayah. May one day you will become our sister in faith. Like I always said to my friends who are try to change from no hijab to hijab, keep up the good work, stay beautiful, stay strong. No matter what people throw at you. Salute with love. Peace.

  89. Miss F,

    Your hijrah has opened many eyes. Including mine. Even me myself as a muslim, wearing hijab my own doesnt make me a true muslimah coz im still exposing some of my skin publicly. But looking at you know, I feel a wave of shame blast through my face, how come a non-muslim like you want to be covered up perfectly, unlike me??

    Keep on doing good deed and have faith!. God will reward you more for the job loss because of your determination to be covered up tip to toe! Please put away all the critics ppl condemning you (especially to your own race-ive read them) because at the end of the day, you are the one feeding yourself, not them. Be yourself in anything you do, and we will support you!! All the best to your next move! May Hidayah from Allah swt comes to you :)

  90. Hi Felixia.. Nice to see u wearing hijab.. and i agree what are u thinking about those pass of your life.. because you are not even muslim.. but i hope in future u will find the peace you looking for.. :D

  91. May Allah bless you..your family and all of us.....

  92. Peace be upon you.. This is the first time I heard about you and of course I had read all your blogs. I don't have much to say but thanks for the blog. It inspired me lot...and emm,Good luck in whatever you do fel. God always gives the best for those who struggling and never give up to live in the better place. Ignore the haters because they themselves won't confirm either to be in hell or heaven. Btw, Happy New Year 2014. I wish you all the best! :) felfe.

  93. You remind me so much of Nicole Queen. ”There’s gotta be more to life than this” .You can read her story from
    May be you can hear this from Bilal Philips - 'The Purpose of Life' from YouTube. I hope you will find what you are looking for - The Purpose of Life.

  94. Hopefully you can learn from the example of Islam not among Muslims but Islam itself. This is because they are both different and the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah It is a perfect example in all things. Wallahualam

  95. Untuk hijrah ke arah kebaikan memang banyak cabarannya. Yang penting dalam menuju ke arah kebaikan adalah istiqamah (tetap teguh di atas jalan yang betul lurus yang membawa keredhaan Nya)

  96. alhamdulilah maha suci ALLAH .. may Allah bless u and what u do.. i really respect u.

    minta izin letak gambar kamu di blog saya

  97. Well is GOOD and BAD.
    Good: At least you are happy with what you are now.
    Bad: Big impact on your modeling career? Maybe what I see. Local Modeling no problem but International? Maybe will be effected. Just trying be rational only ^^.
    By anyway, is your choice to make and wish you all the best ^_^

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Be strong. We will support you. Waiting a good news from you to all of our muslim's brothers and sisters. Insya Allah.

  100. Don,t rush the transition. Stay in road of truth and be patient. God will reward you. You can refer to Surah Al Asr in holy Quran.

  101. Felixia, I respect your decision to wear the tudung. However it is another decision entirely whether or not to embrace a new faith. I am a Muslim but I believe that at the end of the day the hijab or tudung is just a garment and is not integral to a person's faith. It may be part of Muslim identity but it is not a tenet. I am aware that some Muslims here will condemn me as a liberal for my views, but I don't care.

    If you are to convert to Islam, I welcome you with an open heart. If you decide not to convert, I will also respect that decision. Don't let the haters get to you.


  102. Salam & Greetings
    My family's koperasi have a boutique in JB, which just operated on last like us on facebook, where u can find lot of kain pelekat used for muslimah jubah & baju kurung..

  103. My Salam to you dear sister,

    Transition is normal and full of obstacles too... don't worry about it... and never mind the negative comments from people who simply do not understand.

    Apa yang patut Felixia lakukan sekarang ini ialah mencari guru yang dapat Felixia belajar secara talaqqi (berdepan) dan seorang yang dapat membimbing Felixia ke jalan yang ingin Felixia ikuti.

    Felixia kena faham banyak perkara, belajar banyak perkara sebelum membuat apa apa keputusan dalam hidup. Semoga Allah membimbing hati yang dah mula melahirkan bibit-bibit keimanan dalam diri Felixia kini.

    Berhati-hati dalam berkawan dengan orang yang mungkin nampak jujur tetapi hanya nak 'just one thing'. I think you know what I mean.

    Ramai orang yang sanggup melakukan apa saja demi mencapai keinginan nafsu mereka. Berhati-hati dan bertawakkal lah dengan sebenar2nya. Serahkan segala urusan kepada Tuhan yang satu. Dia tahu segalanya, Dia pencipta segalanya, Dia Maha Pemurah, Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang Dan Maha Mengasihani hambanya.

    InsyaAllah, Allah bersamamu.

    DrKamal Shah
    Pasir Puteh

  104. Dear Felixia Yeap,

    I'm glad to see you wearing muslimah attire through social media. I'm amazed by your efforts. Talking about deleting or keeping your past modelling photos as your greatest achievement in life, at my point of view, maybe you should revise back the purpose of wearing muslimah attire. I've watched your session with TV Al-Hijrah and one of your justification of wearing muslimah attire is "Felixia rasa selamat bila pakai baju muslimah, rasa terlindung dan rasa lebih dihormati" - Felixia Yeap. Literally, even you are wearing proper attire or covering the 'aurat', but virtually you are still exposing the so called 'inclined sexually' photos of you. My suggestion is you can keep those photos as your private collection without publishing it to public. Keep it as your personal record. By the way, you are gorgeous in Muslimah attire....... Sorry if my thought aren't suite with your perception~ I'm just a naive muslim sharing my opinion~

  105. As Salam WBT Felixia...
    Hugssssssss! Felixia...Umi Qi sgt2 hormati pendirian Felixia ttg 'Past, Present, Future'....what a nice entry!!!...Sgt2 membuka hati untuk kita semua belajar tentang budaya hormat menghormati siapa kita yang lepas, sekarang dan akan datang....betul-betul membuka mata dan hati.

    Dear Felixia, teruskan usaha untuk dalami agama Islam....disitu banyak keindahan yang tidak disangka2...

    Your sincerely,
    Umi Qi :D

  106. Charity?

    Come and join us at Teach For The Needs

    Maybe boleh contribute something educational kpd anak yatim dan miskin...

  107. Hidayah itu milik Maha Kuasa...Semoga anda bertemu apa yang dicari...

  108. Im happy to hear this news.Yeah women is very precious created by almighthy god.Hope you will found what you wish.Kebahagiaan dunia bersifat sementara.Ketenangan jiwa jua yang abadi.:)

  109. hi Felixia ! very glad to see you in muslimah style. it's very suit to you! i have a great video to share with you. if you have any plenty of time, do watch this .

    it is about a chinese boy, thinking about what is God. Hope the video will help you a lot! :)

    1. He's just 15 years old when he reverted. Just got married 3-4 months ago. Masya Allah.

  110. Maybe this URL may help you find about yourself.
    Since 1400 years ago Islam was a religion that protect the rights of Muslim women. Islam itu indah Sr. Felixia Yeap.

  111. Keep Going... Pursue the Hidayah of God... Not everyone can get it... And please your Creator, and He will make everything in your life to be please... :-)

  112. Alhamdulillah. Hi Felixia. Saya baru tau pasal Felixia & saya doakan semoga pencarian Felixia untuk mendapat ketenangan & hidayah dipermudahkan olehNya.

    Sekadar berkongsi, arwah ayah saya juga seorang mualaf. Pencarian & perjalanan yang bukan mudah tapi pasti ada kemanisannya. Saya bangga menjadi anak seorang mualaf & pertalian saudara dengan yang bukan Islam juga tak putus sampai sekarang.

    Kalau ada pape yang boleh saya tolong, emel jee saya :)

    Salam muhibah.

  113. hi Felixia.Is there any reward for good other than good?
    Gudluck for you :D

  114. Semoga Allah membuka jalan kemudahan seluas-luasnya buat Miss Felixia, in shaa Allah :) Keep on digging the knowledge about Islam, slowly learn it and understand it. In shaa Allah, Allah will guide you along the way and we are here to support you. :)

  115. I just love with your writing Felixia... Keep update and I will keep view and read all your writing...It's very inspiring for me to be a better muslimah...InsyaAllah
    Hopefully you will be muslimah with full bless from Allah one day...amin..
    Maybe we can chitchat is my email:

  116. alhamdulillah. i love your writing. good luck with your career n semoga Allah swt memberi hidayah kepada mu. :)

  117. :) yes, your story is inspiring. I am so sorry for all of the hardships that you have faced and all of the nasty comments that you have received, but just know that it is all a challenge for you to stand by your ground, beliefs and principles. I wish you all the best. Hope you will find whatever it is that you are looking for and may your eyes and heart are touched by real beauty and kindness :)

  118. Goodluck for your future life with Islam. Just be honest to urself to learn Islam then u will find the right answer...

  119. ..insyaallah benda baik agar dipermudahkan....

  120. Insyaallah felixia akan mnjadi tenang slps kaji dan belajar lg dalam mgenai islam..allah s.w.t akan memberi hidayah dan rahmat pd sesiapa yg berusaha mencarinya..jgn dgr pada tomahan2 dan cacian diluar sna.. akan mendoakan felixia mndpt rahmat dan ketenangan jiwa...will support u all d way..insyaallah ^_^

    1. And.. muslims are x perfect but islam is.. sy pcaya felixia ikhlas mengenakan pakaian muslimah.. moga itu mnjadi terus menjadi pilihan felixia.. :)

  121. good luck felexia..phat ada update pasal u kat blog. sudi2 kan singgah tq

  122. Don't care what people say ( bad thinker)
    Just follow ur own way
    Doa banyak2 ya ♥


  124. No one's perfect Felixia! Even muslims aren't perfect but the most important thing is to try and not giving up! You have my support in yourself donning the hijab as you find it more comfortable.

  125. One think i learnt in this life.. Dont bother bout others.. Do what u think is right.. Haters gonna hate. as long as u've weighed in all facts, go with ur guts.. u have my support and doa'

  126. MasyaAllah. u are so sweet with hijab and jubah. You go girl!! no one can judge you. Only Allah can judge you. You are really inspired me to wear properly as a Muslim girl. InsyaAllah.

  127. I see you deleting some of the comments, leaving behind only those that supporting you to convert.

    Please take the time and have a heart to listen to this opinion.
    It must be really difficult and hard to be a model, having to expose your body and mean people criticizing and judging you without knowing your true self. I am not a model. I can only imagine the pain you went through. and I tell you I felt sorry that some mean people treated you that way.

    You can be a wonderful person by wearing modest clothing, not necessarily converting to other religion. You can find peace by doing charity (which I see you start doing it), giving back to the community and be a loving and caring person.

    If you insist on converting, perhaps, do it after your parents had passed away. It'll be really sad for them when they passed away, their child couldn't help out in the funeral processes. In unexpected situation where you passed away before they do, the authority will argue with your parents on where to bury your body. I mean no offense to the religion itself but is offering point of view from the parents.
    So please, think of them before you convert. We might be doing something for our own good. But sometimes, we have to think of our family.

    May you find true peace within yourself. All the best to you in life.

  128. read about your story today. and somehow i'm glad that you have made changes that are suit your heart. Even though i'm not a good muslim but you have shown me there is still light at the end of tunnel. Zul

  129. Alhamdulillah... Cantik sungguh Felixia berhijab~

  130. You are preety :) all I want to say is I hope you could understand more deeply about islam and take your time to accept it or not by your own decision. I'm just here standing behind and will supportinf you :) Chaiyokk!!!

  131. Alhamdulillah...

    Cuma islam sebenar ada dlm Al Quran... jadi lihat Al Quran & bukan penganutnya, yg akan ada kesilapannya


    1. Benar...lihat ajaran islam yang ada dalam alquran dan hadis..dan jika ingin melihat islam yang ada pada penganutnya...kajilah sirah nabi muhammad...

  132. Just be yourself and keep faith on what u believe now. And for other negative things and words, just ignore them. Nothing that we can do to stop other people talking. Inshaallah, keep learning the beauty of islam. Inshaallah hidayah dan rezeki milik allah..

  133. alhamdulillah, cantik sangat felixia berhijab, saya doakan yang terbaik untuk felixia. selamat berjuang.tahniah.

  134. I guess u are choosing right path.. Hopefully u can be an inspiration to those young teenager out there.. All the best for u

  135. saya suka awak . awak jujur .
    terima kasih kerana memberikan saya inspirasi untuk berubah . berubah kepada yang lebih baik .

  136. Hi dear..

    Choosing and deciding is a tough decision...but i'm pretty sure one day u'll find the right answer...take care sis...hopefully we will become one famili in islam...we alwayz support u! May Allah grant u with HIDAYAH...amennn..

  137. I agreed with you that we cant please everyone, as it never enough. It never ends.

    However I know that the only you need to please. The only One. The only your Creator. The One who gives you what you have now.

    Please Him, and please Him always. May happiness and peace will be with you. :))


  138. Hello!

    I'm sorry if this is out of topic, but I read your posts and I'm surprised that your BM is ridiculously fluent! Hebatnya!

    If peace is what you are looking for, then peace is what you'll find. It will bring tranquility to the kingdom of your heart. :3

  139. Hye Felixia..

    When you choose to be muslimah, then never look back.. Follow your heart..

    When we talk about 'rezeki', hold my words, when you choose to be a better person, 'rezeki' will absolutely come to you which you will never imagine... In Shaa Allah

  140. Assalam Flexia,

    first of all congratulation for your choice of Islam and now in transition period. your posting was very impressive, indeed. but the very important thing is the 'Hidayah' that was the God (Allah swt) awarded to you because not all given this kind of award, even our prophet's relatives, only the Choosen-One like you, so grab and hug it tightly. Dont forget to always make pray to Him (Allah swt) so that you always be guided and be a goodest muslimah, inshaaAllah. also pray for others for 'Hidayah' thing would like to say that you so beautiful wearing the hijab, keep it up and ... All the best!

  141. all the best felixia...just ignore the haters..u layak untuk dihormati sebagai seorang wanita sekarang n dari dulu lagi walaupun u not a muslim..keep wearing those pakaian muslimah n hijab coz u look so sooo nice in it...ramai sangat2 yang menyokong felixia dari belakang...xoxo

  142. Proud of you dear.. ;) you're chosen..Alhamdulillah...hidayah Allah buat hambanya..just ignore d life strong!

  143. Salam,
    There is this saying "a modestly dressed woman is like a pearl in its shell" so yeah, may force be with you sister felixia :)

  144. You go girl..!
    “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”― Benjamin Franklin
    “Change is the end result of all true learning.” ― Leo Buscaglia

  145. All my comment is gone..taip.panjang2 idle ni tak apapun I sokong u. Dipendekkan rumusan apa I nak tulis ialah. Tentang mereka yang suruh u.delete gambar2.tak tutup aurat sepanjang u kerja..its ok. Mereka menasihati, mungkin felixia belum benar2 faham..kenapa perlu delete. Apapun untuk permulaan satu hari nanti bila benar2 faham...felixia akan padam gambar2 berkenaan. :) gambar yang masih ada di internet almost mustahil nak get rid of them. Jika felixia benar2 mengkaji tentang islam felixia akan.makin faham dan tahu Allah sentiasa ada untuk kita.

  146. you so beautiful of God's creation , i saw you in Tv alhijrah... don't mind what people tell about u...the important is what you feel deep inside your heart...feel free to read my page ...
    La Tahzan (dont be sad or afraid)...[ ] it is a collection of my motivation story and words stay strong and go forward in this life

  147. my dear Felixia, u r so beautiful, especially when u have your veil on.. they all have seen u in both outfits (side by side).. mostly appreciate you in which one..? & surely, u yourself know it, & can appreciate yourself more in which one..?

  148. Dengan keadaan orang Islam sendiri (di Malaysia khususnya) yang tidak mampu untuk menutup aurat, penampinan Cik Felixia (yg diketahui umum masih belum memeluk Islam) sedikit sebanyak memberi impak yang sangat bermakna buat mereka. Saya amat berharap dan berdoa semua Tuhan terus membimbing Cik Felixia.

    Just to quote one surah from Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab verse 59: "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable so that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful."

  149. hi sister,

    I'm just new reader of your blog and wow you really blown me away with all the efforts you've took here. I'm born Muslim and am shy of the transition you've made this far. Alhamdulillah.

    But let me correct you on this ( I just heard this from Sheikh Sajid the Imam of one of the biggest masjid in Harare Zimbabwe ) :

    I am regaining my sacrificed dignity (during work) as a respected woman who is not just another pretty face with a hot body. -- you will never Sacrificed anything sister. Instead you're INVESTING to the hereafter.

    Strive for the best sister. Much love.

  150. I'm really impressed with your changes sis, congrats!

  151. If you knew the gravity of the sins you have comitted, knowingly or unknowingly, you'd want to undo them in a heart beat. But dont you know, the reward for those who end up in Heaven when they were once so astray and misguided, is even more than those who have barely sinned at all. Continue to learn of Islam and shun off all negativity. Don't worry about what people think. Just worry about what Allah would think of you.

  152. Hi im from singapore and i must are amazing...not everyone can is given this hidayah so easily,and yet you managed to find it...Allah tunjuk kan hidayah ni for a reason, that means HE knows that you can go tru all the hardship and do this dont give up this precious oppurtunity!! Ape org kutok jangan kisah sangat...all the best! Semoga Allah pelihara kite sume!

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. You can't delete pasts but you can create a better future :)

  155. Assalamualaikum...greetings from Singapore. Am heartened to see that you have seen Nur. May He open your heart and mind to the wonders of the Deen. InsyaAllah...strive for yourself and not for others.

  156. someone once told me, "if you have time for Allah, Allah will have time for you." means that if we do something good for Allah's sake, Allah will do the same for you. so don't worry about your future career or anything else because surely Allah will ease everything for you. and for every hardship we face to get closer to Allah, it's actually a test to determine our faith. after all, it's about "Allah tests those He loves" . you have our support and prayers. :)

  157. Have faith in Allah. He is always will be there for you. Read the Quran, He will always show the right path for you and for everyone. We all hope 2014 and coming years will be a better life for u. Amin.

  158. Hi felixia. Just watched your interview with alhijrah (posted on fb). Then came across your blog (and this post). From a muslim girl who has only recently put on the hijab (my bad!) I say let the pics on your page for as long as you feel comfortable with it. Especially now when you are not yet a muslim convert/revert. And taken from videos of mat salleh converts/reverts, they actually take years to learn about islam before they actually pronounced their faith. And they in turn became strong activists, probably even stronger than the muslims who brought them towards the muslim path (I especially love nicole queen).

    Asking a non-muslim to act like a muslim while keeping silent on other so-called muslims' appearance (we have tons of malays wearing daisy dukes) would not help non-muslim to embrace islam.

    As for me.. I still have my pre-hijab pics on my fb. Some are privated. Still weeding out the pre-hijab posts (tough work when you have freehair pics among tons of sunset and foodie pics posted in the same album). No sexy pics though. Not much of post-hijab pics simply because I don't feel like taking and uploading as much pics as before. I guess that's just what comes with the package once you get the whole hijab/muslimah thing. One day you would feel like 'this is not appropriate' and willingly remove the pics. Until that day come (or you become a devoted muslim, whichever comes first), no need to throw away your past.

    P/s - that very one day I woke up wearing a shawl over my head to go to work, my family asked if I really want to put that thing on. Haha.. had they forced me to put the hijab on a lot earlier, I might be a totally different person now. I might don a supermini skirt as a sign of protest. Who knows?

    1. Just what i wanted to say, yep. I agree. We shouldnt be judgemental on these things. Coz who are we to judge others, or even ourselves. Only HE can.

      Do it at your own pace.

  159. Hi Felixia, i hope you will get through all this negativity from the media and public. I truly support what your search in truth.

    Please ignore the haters. The devil just got the better of them.

    I would recommend you to watch Mufti menk videos and lectures on muslims in general. Yes, theres a disease in all of us human beings. But theres also a cure. Its a daily struggle as a human being, and as a muslim as well.But with struggle,comes ease. We tend to forget and take the religion lightly. Hope you find what you've been looking for. Peace

  160. We will always support you Felixia! You are officially my one of the role models of being a better muslimah. Thank you for everything. I am soooo proud of you =) <3

  161. May Allah make it easy for you to find him...Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. ..

    Salam hormat.



  163. tahniah felexia..kerana jujur dgn diri sendiri..semoga diberikan kekuatan untuk berubah dan bertemu segala kebaikan..

  164. semoga ALLAH sentiasa melindungi dan permudahkan transformasi anda

  165. 3 weeks time from your last post but still no news at all.....still waiting........

  166. i couldnt agree more with you.without past there will be no future,without yesterday there will be no not care bout what people happy to see your transition.take 1 step at a learning about islam,slowly learn and finally you will learn the truth.and remember that this step that you are taking might be small for others but a giant leap for urself. :)

  167. Salam sister. I was wondering, can I have your email please. I'd loved to get in touch with you. So we can help each other out and share more infos. And be a better woman in future insyaAllah.

  168. Tahniah. Please stay strong.
    Wish u all the best :)

  169. Assalamualaikum and Good morning Felixia...semoga hari ini lebih ceria dan tenang...saya doakan semoga kamu gembira dengan pilihan yang telah kamu lakukan iaitu mendekati agama Islam...saya juga mendoakan kamu akan mendapat hidayah Allah suatu hari nanti...insyaAllah...Islam adalah untuk seluruh manusia,bukan untuk orang melayu,orang arab dan orang india dan sebagainya tetapi Islam adalah untuk semua bangsa di dunia ini...sesiapa yang memeluk Islam setelah dia mengucap dua kalimah syahadah iaitu ( asy hadu alla ila ha illallah..wa asy hadu anna muhammadarrasulullah..aku bersaksi tiada tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah dan nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah)...maka dia akan jadi seperti bayi dilahirkan...maknanya tidak ada dosa langsung..insyaAllah tempatnya di dalam syurga Allah...sekali lagi saya doakan felixia diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran dalam mendekati ajaran agama Islam ini...belajar lah secara perlahan-lahan...insyaAllah semoga felixia bakal menjadi saudari seagama dengan kami iaitu Islam suatu masa nanti,insyaAllah...amin ya rabbal A'lamin...sekali lagi I wish a million congratulation for you kerana berminat untuk mendekatkan diri dengan agama Islam...take care and may god bless you..insyaAllah...

  170. salam miss yeap, just wanting to let u know, u are really, really really BLESSED, for that feeling of wanting to even cover yourself bestowed upon you, and went through with it, and founded PEACE within yourself right after.

    Only a FEW gets the chance that u had, and followed through with it.
    even most muslim-born people couldn't get that gift. most of us received, but took it for granted therefore do not practice, in the end, regret and sadness follows..
    but glad tidings for those who performed well and ended well..
    Its really a wonderful feeling for even getting to know your story, let alone experiencing it.

    and again, along with thousands of muslims here in malaysia or abroad, I too sincerely pray that you'd become a muslim and rewarded with a wonderful husband who will lead you to happiness in this life and eternal bliss in the hereafter.

  171. I am so proud of you. Continue your way, and may God bless you.

  172. You are trying your best to be the best. :) I'm praying the best for you.

  173. felixia..saya harap awak tabah dan sabar dgn dugaan dunia..jika ada yg mencaci, biarkan mereka. yg penting kamu tahu apa yang kamu lakukan ini adalah perkara baik. saya doakan awak. semoga berjaya

  174. why not BUDDHA ?? it also peace when u truly understand it ...

  175. the past makes who you are today, miss felixia. and in shaa Allah, good things like 'nur hidayah' we'll shine brightly in your heart sooner if you learn to understand n accept it as the time pass by... ameen, moga saya juga dapat menjadi muslimah yg lebih baik. your new personality, hijabista really motivates me. thank you! ^_^

    just wanna share some beautiful verse from al-Quran:

    3:14 Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return.

    3:15 Say, "Shall I inform you of [something] better than that? For those who fear Allah will be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah . And Allah is Seeing of [His] servants -

    3:16 Those who say, "Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire,"

    3:17 The patient, the true, the obedient, those who spend [in the way of Allah ], and those who seek forgiveness before dawn.

    ~surah 'Ali-'Imran~

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. Salam Felixia.. Saya mengenali anda dari majalah kereta Hypertune.. Perubahan diri anda memberi saya inspirasi.. Ride or Die im comin with u.. Take care always :)
